Are you ready for Fall? Here are our tried and tested tips

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Contrary to popular belief, a healthy skin care regimen does not require much time or a multitude of steps to produce AMAZING results.

Fall is upon us! And while we’re sad to see the summer months leave us behind, we’re looking forward to the season’s cooler weather, gorgeous foliage, and (of course!) celebrating all the outdoor activities our amazing state has to offer! Every season, we prep for fall by switching out our warm-weather wear for comfy sweaters, boots, and light jackets. But what about our skin care routines? Our beauty products and skin care routines are in need of a swap too, light moisturizers and gel cleansers just don't do it in the colder months.

Your skin has certain needs in the summer and fall weather calls for formulas that deliver what your skin craves when exposed to dry cold air.

Skin loses a lot of moisture when the air is less humid” says our dermatologist Dr.Doktor. It can also be hard to choose the right products for your skin as the seasons change. 

To take the guesswork out of your skin care routine for fall, we’ve rounded up the best fall skin care tips and products that we love to set your skin up to glow and be its healthiest yet!

1.  Love long hot showers?  Save them for warmer months

A long shower or soak after a cold day sounds perfect, right? We’re not saying to skip out on your pamper time completely, but limiting the hot water you expose to your body, will go a long way to keep your skin hydrated and happy.

Dr.Doktor says, “Use less hot water (hot water removes natural oils more than lukewarm) and keep showers shorter during the dry fall season”.

2.  Hydration is key

Light, foamy cleansers feel so refreshing in the summertime, but when there’s less humidity in the air, you need a balancing cleanser that can hydrate and doesn’t strip away moisture. 

When looking for the perfect hydrating cleanser, you’ll find everything from cleansing milks to creams and even gels to keep your skin feeling hydrated with ingredients like vitamin E. (Dr. Doktor loves our Green Tea Cleanser and the great news is that it can be used all year round!)

3. Exfoliate less

Exfoliating can lead to dryness and irritation. Your summer skin has more of a buffer—thanks in part to humidity that attracts moisture to your skin. Use exfoliants less often and make sure it's one that’s easy on your skin.

Instead, if you must exfoliate, opt for a chemical exfoliant. “Fall is a great time to start using those stronger AHAs and BHAs, as they could sensitize the skin during the summer with a lot of sun exposure,” says Dr.Doktor.

If you feel your skin really needs it, use a gentle exfoliating toner two to three times per week. Just be sure you’re using plenty of hydrating products in conjunction.

4. Swap your moisturizer

You know this one right?  You'll be surprised how many people don't! It's one of the easiest ways to prep your skin for fall is by swapping your lightweight lotion for a richer formula, or layering them. “Dry skin requires both humectants and emollients that draw in moisture and lock in moisture, respectively,” says Dr. Doktor. “

A good humectant is hyaluronic acid which draws water into the skin, and skin barrier repairing creams such as our very own Triple Anti-Ox Recovery Lotion or CE+Glow Serum. These help decrease the loss of moisture into the environment over time.”

5.  Vitamin C or Hyaluronic Acid Serum

Hyaluronic acid is a humectant that helps bring moisture to the skin, it’s like an all powerful skin hydration ingredient. And when it comes to vitamin C, not only does it provide the skin with antioxidants and protection against free radicals, it brightens your complexion by evening skin tone and fading dark marks.

Add both a vitamin c and hyaluronic acid serum into your routine to keep skin glowing like it once did over the summer, hydrated, and plump.

6.  Don't forget the other parts of your beautiful self!

Let's not forget the whole beautiful you.  In addition to daily hand and face moisturizing, don't forget to moisturize your feet and elbows. These thin-skinned areas lose moisture fast. Use a thick, deep cream or lotion overnight on these parts of your body, as well as on your hands. 

To really seal in the moisture, wear cotton gloves and socks after applying the moisturizer.  We want all of you to glow right?

7.  Who said sunscreen is only for Summer?

Yep, whilst it may not be sunbathing temperatures, our Sun is still doing its wonders.  So yep, that’s right, you need to protect your skin from sun damage all year long. 

“SPFs are still very important because although the temperature drops, there’s still radiation year-round and even a small amount of radiation can add up to the cumulative damage that leads to skin cancer, wrinkles, pigmentary problems, and aging of skin,” says Dr. Doktor.

“I like sunscreens that have added hydration and are still lightweight and that protect skin from ultraviolet light while moisturizing all day long.”

8.  Shorts are definitely cool, but you're not helping yourself

We know we love our short clothes all year around here, even when we have a Beenie on to keep our heads warm.  Dressing for the cooler months is as important as the other tips here.  Why expose your skin directly to the elements you're trying to protect yourself from if you can avoid it?  

As the weather becomes colder, long sleeves, scarves, and gloves can help protect your skin from drying elements. In Cooler temperatures the sun is still dangerous. Generally, polyester, nylon, wool, silk, and denim provide the most UV blockage, and darker-colored fabrics absorb more UV rays than lighter colors.

9.  Eat what your skin loves

This one isn’t so obvious to most skin care lovers as the weather turns colder. With the holiday season approaching in the colder months it’s natural to be eating lots of treats. 

Keeping in mind foods high in sugar and some carbs can sometimes break out our skin due to hormone increases. Make sure to drink plenty of water and monitor your skin.  It's a good communicator at telling you when you need more of something!

10.  Get a humidifier

This one is really important not only for you but the entire household.  A well regulated air system in your home works wonders for many health related concerns and your skin loves it as much.  

Our heating systems can seriously suck moisture from the air, leaving little for your skin. “You can minimize the potential for dry skin by using a humidifier to add moisturizer into the air during colder, drier months,” says Dr. Doktor. So, when our heat goes on, we turn on our humidifier to help prevent moisture loss. Trust us, your skin will thank you for it.


  • Cleanser Our very own Refresh Green Tea Cleanser
  • Exfoliator Our very own MicroExfoliator Cleanser
  • Face Moisturizer Our very own Triple Anti-Ox Recovery
  • Vitamin C / Hyaluronic Acid Serum Our very own CE + Glow Serum
  • Body Cream LaRoche-Posay Lipikar AP+M Triple Repair Body Moisturizer

Find out more about our products here or if you're ready to try contact us here !

Fall Skin Center Boston Produc

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.