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Information About Dermatologist Services

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BOTOX is a simple and quick injection that helps prevent lines on the face from years of laughing, smiling, and other facial expressions.

FRAX treatment promotes the regeneration of fresh skin cells, resulting in a smoother, more youthful complexion.

RF Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment using tiny needles and radiofrequency energy to create controlled micro-injuries.

Dysport softens and reduces lines caused by laughter, smiling, and frowning, providing a youthful and natural look for both men and women.

Xeomin is an injectable treatment that smooths frown and laugh lines, providing a radiating, youthful-looking appearance for patients.

JUVÉDERM is used to increase the natural supply of hyaluronic acid and collagen, creating smoother skin and adding volume of the lips and cheeks.

KYBELLA is designed to eliminate fat on the upper neck, reducing the appearance of a "double chin" and creating a slim, defined facial profile.

Restylane corrects lines, wrinkles, and volume loss to provide natural-looking skin that is smooth, soft, and plump with long-lasting results.

Sculptra increases the natural collagen production in the face, reducing wrinkles and plumping up cheeks while creating stronger skin over time.

Chemical peels decrease wrinkles, scars, fine lines, rough patches, and more by ridding the face of damaged skin and rejuvenating underlying skin.


IPL (intense pulsed light) photofacials treat sun damage, age spots, rosacea, rough skin, and more to produce a healthy and glowing face and neck.

Ultherapy tightens skin using ultrasound wavelengths to reduce lines around the brows, eyes, and mouth, and sagging around the jowl and décolletage.

Microneedling creates micro-injuries in the skin, prompting the natural production of collagen and elastin, which will help reduce scars and pores.

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy helps to rejuvenate your face through the use of your plasma, creating a healthy, smooth, and glowing appearance.

Sclerotherapy can eliminate unsightly spider veins and even out skin tone on the face and legs using a minimally invasive treatment with no downtime.

Many different forms of acne can occur in men and women, from teens into late adulthood, and can cause embarrassment or be difficult to get rid of.

Birthmarks and moles come in different sizes, shapes, and colors, and while are oftentimes harmless could be embarrassing, painful, or turn cancerous.

Cysts form under the skin and can cause lumps on various parts of the body, as well as hardened skin, disfigurement, and emotional stress.

Eczema flare-ups can cause red, itchy, dry skin and rashes on the hands, face, or neck, leaving you irritated and uncomfortable in your own body.

Psoriasis is a genetic condition that causes red, flaky, itchy skin that is usually triggered by stress, medicines, sunburns, or dry weather.

Rosacea is a skin condition that causes redness and inflammation along the cheeks and nose. With no known cure, there are various forms of management.

Shingles is an itchy, sensitive rash with blisters on the skin caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox and is seen mainly in adults.

Warts are bumps on the skin caused by HPV, usually through skin-to-skin contact, appearing on the hands, feet, elbows, knees, or even around genitals.

Seborrheic keratoses is a skin growth typically seen on the torso that mimics the appearance of a wart, often varied in color from pale tan to brown.

Melasma is a condition when dark, irregular patches show up on the face, forearms, or neck, often in women as a result of hormonal changes.

Skin infections can be caused for a variety of reasons and can leave men, women, and children with unsightly and uncomfortable sores and rashes.

Angiomas are cherry-red dots or bumps caused by an overgrowth of blood vessels most often in older men and women on the chest, torso, legs, and arms.

Recovery Time
1-2 Days

Keloids are pink or red overgrowths of scar tissue that itch and are typically found on the chest, shoulders, ears, and cheeks after a wound heals.

Lipomas are growths of fatty tissue under the skin on the neck, shoulders, arms, torso, or thighs that are typically painless and doughy to the touch.

Vitiligo attacks the cells that create skin pigmentation in men, women, and kids, resulting in white patches or skin color loss throughout the body.

Sexually transmitted diseases often present themselves on the skin in forms of blisters, warts, rashes, and other symptoms across the entire body.

Different forms of skin cancer can be treated using topical creams, medications, ultrasounds, and UV technologies, as well as freezing methods.

Hair disorders can impact both men and women and cause them to have thinning hair, patches of hair loss, or excessive amounts of hair that shed.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.