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Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Boston, MA

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What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a common occurrence among men and women in the United States, and symptoms often appear on the skin, making dermatologists one of the foremost sources of treatment. Syphilis, herpes (including HSV1, HSV, and cold sores), as well as HIV can all have skin-related conditions. Dermatologist Dr. Vladyslava Doktor is skilled in working with men and women with these diseases. These highly contagious and common infections clear themselves spontaneously, but for those that don't, Skin Center Boston is trained to work with individuals to help them clear up these sensitive issues as quickly and effectively as possible.

Clearing STD Symptoms

Living with a sexually transmitted disease can be uncomfortable, embarrassing, and cause for anxiety. You don't have to live with embarrassing symptoms and a chance of further issues. Dermatologist Dr. Vladyslava Doktor can help diagnose and treat some of the most common sexually transmitted infections in Boston, Wellesley, Framingham, and surrounding area men and women. Call Skin Center Boston for a private consultation today.

What Causes STDs?

Syphilis is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection that is most commonly spread through intercourse and direct contact. While many can have it for years without showing symptoms, if left untreated, it could cause damage to organs. This can be transferred, even when symptoms are not present.

Herpes is another sexually transmitted disease that is contracted through direct contact. HSV-1 can be typically transferred by sharing an eating utensil or lip balm or even kissing. This strain of herpes is commonly known to cause cold sores. HSV-2 is contracted through sexual contact with someone who has a herpes sore and is usually most associated with genital herpes.

HIV, on the other hand, is transferred from one person to another through blood, semen, vaginal and/or rectal fluids, and even breast milk. While it is not spread through skin-to-skin contact, it can be easily transmitted from one person to another through sex, by sharing needles or tattoo equipment, during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or by being exposed to the blood of someone living with HIV.

What Are the Symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

Sexually transmitted diseases have different symptoms, depending on what type of STD it is. Dermatologist Dr. Vladyslava Doktor can help men and women determine what type of sexually transmitted infection they have.

Syphilis usually first presents itself with a small, painless sore on one of the sexual organs, rectum, or mouth. This usually pops up 3 – 4 weeks after contracting the disease. From there, a person will likely develop an itchless rash on the palms and soles of the feet, as well as headaches, fatigue, fever, weight loss, aching joints, and even hair loss. About 15 – 30 percent of people that leave syphilis untreated will end up with more serious outcomes, like blindness, deafness, mental illness, and more.

Common symptoms associated with herpes are blisters on the mouth or genitals, pain during urination, itching, fever, headaches, lack of appetite, tiredness, and more. HSV can also spread to the eyes, causing eye pain, discharge from the eye, and a gritty feeling in the eye.

Early symptoms of HIV include fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, aches and pains, rash, sore throat, headache, nausea, and upset stomach. These symptoms can often be mistaken for the flu. The longer a person has HIV, they will likely start to notice reoccurring oral or vaginal yeast infections, pneumonia, shingles, and weight loss.

How Are STDs Treated?

Treatment options vary from person to person, depending on the sexually transmitted infection they have, as well as how much it has progressed.

Syphilis is commonly treated with an antibiotic injection, like penicillin, when caught early enough. If a person has had syphilis for a long time without treatment, a daily dose of penicillin intravenously will be needed, requiring a possible hospital stay.

At this point in time, there is no cure for herpes; however, there are certain medications that can help reduce the chances of transmitting it to others and can lower the intensity and amount of outbreaks. These medications can come in pill or cream form, and in some severe cases, an injection may be used.

HIV should be treated as soon as possible. Antiretroviral therapy can help HIV from turning into AIDS. There are a number of different antiretroviral therapy medications that will help the immune system fight the infection. While there is no cure for HIV, with medications, a person can live with HIV for a long time without progressing to AIDS.

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