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Warts in Boston, MA

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What is a Wart?

Warts are a common skin condition, often seen on the hands, fingers, and around the fingernails. Warts typically look like little, fleshy peas, but vary in size. It is also common for warts to develop in groups on the elbows and knees. Warts are brought on by HPV (human papillomavirus). Although warts are harmless for the most part, they can be unsightly and bothersome. Over-the-counter wart removal treatments aren't usually enough, which is why dermatologist Dr. Vladyslava Doktor provides wart removal at her Boston, MA office. Those in the Boston, Brookline, Dover, or surrounding areas should schedule an appointment with Dr. Doktor at Skin Center Boston.

What Are The Causes and Symptoms of Warts?

Warts are caused by HPV (human papillomavirus) and are normally spread by skin-to-skin contact. Warts may also be the result of touching something a wart has touched, such as exercise gear or a phone. It is easier to get warts through a scrape or cut so areas that are frequently shaved (the face, legs, or under the arms) are at greater risk.

Some of the most commonly seen warts are common warts, genital warts, and molluscum. Common warts are an infection in the top layer of the skin. These types of warts typically appear on the hands and feet.

Genital warts, also known as condyloma acuminatum, appear on the genitals. They are transmitted through sexual activity and can sometimes occur inside the body, like inside the vagina or on the cervix. Symptoms include one or a group of warts, vaginal discharge, itching, bleeding, and burning. These warts are typically the color of skin or a little darker and tend to resemble cauliflower.

Molluscum is sometimes referred to as a "water wart" and is identified as a viral infection of the skin, causing small, raised, pink bumps with a dimple in the center. These warts are typically itchy and sore and appear mostly on the legs, neck, genital areas, or face. This virus is most typically spread through skin-to-skin contact or contaminated objects (like a towel, sports equipment, or toys).

Wart- and Worry-Free

Warts can come and go for a variety of reasons, but one thing is sure: you likely want it removed as soon as possible. Rather than spending money on over-the-counter treatments, dermatologist Dr. Vladyslava Doktor can assess your type of wart you have along with the best plan of treatment. Contact Skin Center Boston in Boston, MA to schedule an appointment to treat warts and reduce future outbreaks.

How Are Warts Removed?

It's possible that warts may reoccur after the first treatment so it is necessary to find the best treatment to reduce outbreaks. Freezing a wart is a common therapy and can be performed with success. With this method, Dr. Doktor applies liquid nitrogen to the wart. A blister will form around the wart, and the dead tissues will fall off within a week. Another option is applying cantharidin, a substance that can lead to inflammation of the skin when applied to a wart. This chemical is applied to the skin to create a blister around the wart. Burning (electrosurgery) can also be used, in addition to scraping (curetting) or cutting away the wart(s). Laser treatments, chemical peels, immunotherapy, or bleomycin injections may also be used to treat warts.

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